Pool filtration systems review

July 31, 2014

Most of the major swimming pool equipment manufacturers are now selling glass filtration media. The advantage of glass is its density and due to its greater density it is able to filter water better. It improves water clarity by approximately 25%. It also uses about a fifth less water to backwash the filter. I have noticed in the pools where it has been installed a noticeable improvement in the water clarity. This is even more noticeable when the pool has not had its old media changed in a long-time.

However, not all Glass Media is the same with only Waterco Glass Pearls using new glass (virgin glass filtration media). Zodiac Crystals (Glass Media) uses recycled glass and so does AstralPool’s Viron Glass Media. I cannot imagine there would be much difference in cost and all these manufacturers are selling their product for roughly the same price. However, by using recycled glass it means there will be a certain level of impurities within the media. I personally would choose to go for virgin glass if I had the choice.

Despite all the benefits of glass it is quite dear compared to sand. Sand has been around for years and does do a very good job of being both economical and at the same time low on maintenance. Plus if I were really concerned about getting really good filtration one still cannot beat Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters. I have also noticed Zodiac has tried to push people to this media with their new System. Zodiac insists all MagnaPool Systems have Zodiac Crystals and Zodiac Filters. I do not like Zodiac forcing product onto people.

Glass Filtration Media

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